Tuesday, September 17, 2013

What can teens contribute to society?

Teenagers are the adults of tomorrow. Why would adults not want to get ahead start on society by allowing teens to contribute to society, some teenagers are far more advanced for their age but are restricted because of their age. Age does not measure intelligence, age is a number. Some of the smartest teens have many things they could contribute to society. A kid who graduated at the top of his class could find the cure to cancer or the next biggest thing in technology. He could easily be overlooked because of his age. "Oh that kid is only 16, he probably doesn't know a lot", If adults just gave teenagers the time of day they would figure out just how much we could offer to society. For example in the video Anne Frank who was just a young girl touched millions of people with her story. Being called childish is an offensive term, and instead blaming all the worlds problems on the youth, adults should be seeking out solutions in them.


  1. Should intelligence really depend on age? Does the number of days a person has been alive in this world really define their importance? I've been alive for only sixteen years and I've been places and experienced thing a sixty year old person may've never experienced. Teens have so much to offer to society especially because teenage years are the years when we're trying to figure everything out, we're so observant and curious about everything and we have good reasons behind a lot of the things we say. We may be "wrong" in adult eyes by doing some things, but we're still learning right from wrong by experiencing both right and wrong. Why not let us experiment and listen to what we have to say? We will be in your position soon enough, why limit intelligence to the amount of time we have being adults?

  2. I agree with taylor, teenagers are not all one in the same, some teenagers may be shielded and protected like little kids still. Some teenagers may be living on their own or working longer hours than a 35 year old. Children and teenagers can be equal parts of society as adults, after all, our future president may be alive right this moment
